Monday, May 7, 2012

Mother of Achievement Luncheon

The first annual Mother of Achievement Luncheon was held in Salt Lake City at the Little America Hotel. 
At our 2012 AMI Mother's of Achievement Luncheon 20 mothers were honored as Mothers of Achievement. The Mother of Achievement is and award to recognize those outstanding women whose positive influence, talents, and community service has made a significant impact in the lives of children and families.

The luncheon committee decorated it beautifully as always is the case with American Mothers.

Cynthia Richards - Utah's 2012 Mother of the Year with her husband Claude Richards.
Lori Conger - Utah's 2012 Young Mother of the Year with her husband Daniel.

Dixie Clifford at the piano

The food was incredible!

Ruth Todd - (KSL channel 5 news anchor) did a fabulous job as the Mistress of Ceremonies.

Mother's of Achievement

Lori Conger Utah's YMOY 2012 giving her speech she will also give at the American Mother's National Convention in Washington D.C.

Cynthia Richards Utah MOY 2012 giving her speech in preparation for the American Mother's National Convention.

President Jenneice Beckstrand thanking Deanne Taylor (Mother of Achievement Luncheon Chairman) for an outstanding job!!!

Deanne Taylor "trying" to get the Mother's of Achievement "in line" for a group shot.  =)

Utah's 2012 Mother's of Achievement

From left to right on top:    Christine Anderson, Alice Smith, Suzanne Mann, Cheryl Ferrin, Vicki Gerlach, Millie Bess,  Lisa Barlow,  Vicki Jo Robinson, and Shelly Locke
Bottom:  Connie K. Hodson, Elaine Dalton, Cynthia Richards, Lori Conger, Anastasia Najarian, and Saren Loosli


2012 Mothers of Achievement

2012 Utah Mother of the Year, Cynthia Richards ~ Strengthen and teach families through music.

2012 Utah Young Mother, Lori Conger ~ Uplift mothers in blog: Making Motherhoos Memorable

Christine Anderson, Salt Lake City ~ Encourage motherhood through adoption

Lisa Barlow, Bountiful ~ Support moms-to-be wiht high risk pregnancies

Mildred (Millie) Bess, Brigham City ~ Mentor women through difficult times

Cashell Carr, West Jordan ~ Support parents of children with long-term health issues

Elaine Dalton, Salt Lake City ~ Teach young women the value of motherhood

Cheryl Ferrin, Eden ~ Promote educatin and technical training

Vicki Gerlach, Eagle Mountain ~ Protect families through voter awareness

Connie K. Hodson, Orem ~ Committment to community through volunteerism

Shelly Locke, North Logan ~ Support motherhood around the world

Saren Loosli, Ogden ~  Help mothers discover self through Power of Moms

Suzanne Mann, Highland ~  Increase sewing and musical talents of youth

Anastasia Najarian, Centerville ~ Courage and faith of a single mother

Vicki Jo Robinson, South Jordan ~  Assist and support families at risk

Alice B. Smith, Ogden  ~  Caring advocate for people who are struggling

Dr. Kerri N. Smith, St. George  ~ Compassionate healthcare giver to those in need

Michelle B. Stone, Highland  ~ Champion of motherhood and children

Deborah (Debbie) Taylor, Orem ~ Tireless advocate for education for all children

Kaye Westwood, Payson ~ Loving and compassionate caregiver and example 

Congratulations to these outstanding and incredible women!

Also honored were the past Mother of Years and Young Mothers
(thanks to Deanne Taylor for this updated list!)

Many of these past MOY's and YMOY's were in attendance and asked to stand to be honored. 
(you may need to click on the photo to enlarge)

Lori Conger and some of her family.

Shirley Tong and Jodi Wilding - (MOY and YMOY Search Chairs)

Jenneice Beckstrand and daughters with Elaine Dalton and her daughter Emi Edgley.

Our WONDERFUL AMI President Jenneice!

The luncheon was amazing in every way from the decorations and flowers, to the food and fantastic speeches. Each and every mother in attendance (and fathers!) went away feeling completely inspired and uplifted to be a better mother! 

American Mother's wishes to thank these amazing Mother's of Achievement for the wonderful examples they are setting for mothers everywhere and for the difference they are making in the world one child at a time.